Get Yourself Together

Today is “get yourself together” day at the Big Horse Creek Studio. I’ve been putting it off. Several large paintings on paper to photograph, as well as some of my more recent pieces in the Endless Horizon series.

I used to laugh at the idea of artist assistants. I mean, how hard is it really to clean your own brushes? Today, however, I’ve called in reinforcements - my friend April has very charitably agreed to help out for several hours this afternoon. For some of the works I’ll need an extra pair of hands. I’ll need her help cataloging the works and documenting details. Mostly though, I’ll appreciate the presence of another human being. Art is a lonely business sometimes, I’ve discovered. That isn’t self-pitying - it’s just an acknowledgement of the fact that at times you need good friends around. Sometimes you need other people involved. Scheduling an activity with someone means it gets done, and you get conversation with the work, too, which is always nice.

I avoid New Year’s resolutions as a rule, but I think I’ll make a go at one this year. I’m going to let more people in, make an effort to include others in my work, my art, my life. After the forced isolation of 2020 it seems like a wise decision.

A couple of days ago I heard someone on NPR say that “community is where you keep showing up.” Building community might well be a matter of showing up. It might also be a matter of inviting and allowing others to show up for us.

Showing up may be more important now than ever.